
Insulin Plant : What is it and its benefits? How it can be used?

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Insulin Plant : What is it and its benefits? How it can be used?

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Turmeric – The Yellow Jewel

Author : Sanket Shah

Does your mother pester you every night to make you drink a glass of ‘turmeric milk’? Well, she might be on to something over here as turmeric is also known as a wonder spice. But we’ll talk about that a bit later. Let’s first get to know it a little better. 

Insulin Plant

Author : Sanket Shah

Does hearing the word ‘Diabetes’ trigger frantic alarms of panic? It doesn’t, right? The disease is so prevalent in India that it has become commonplace. We all know someone who is diabetic. But despite the prevalence of it, what we need to understand is that diabetes is a serious health problem. According to WHO (World Health Organization), by 2030, Diabetes Mellitus will be the seventh
leading cause of death
. It is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and lower limb amputation.